$47.00 USD

Keeping your Horses Relaxed and In Tune to your Body with Ryann Pedone


Video 1: 3 Barrel Drill for the 3 year olds (12:38)

Ryann explains to us what she does with a 3 year old that is coming back from the colt breaker before she puts it on the pattern. She uses the 3 barrel drill to keep them relaxed and moving forward around the barrels.


Video 2: Starting a 3 year old on the Pattern (11:37)

Ryann shows us how she uses her body on the pattern to guide her 3 year olds around the barrels and how she lets them find where they are the most comfortable.

Video 3: 3 Barrel Drill for Horses who « cheat » (8:17)

Still using the 3 barrel drill, she explains what she does to keep forward movement with a horse that wants to “cheat” without getting after him.


Video 4: Barrel Pattern for Horses who « cheat » (7:28)

In this video Ryann demonstrates how to use the barrel pattern differently to fix a “problem” barrel. Focusing more on positive reinforcement than the problem itself to keep the horse willing and relaxed.


Video 5: Exercises for Anxious or Open Horses (9:30)

Here, Ryann keeps everything fun and relaxed on the same 2 exercises to keep the horses ready to enter and sharp around the barrels.


Video 6: Ryann Pedone’s Favorite Equipment (8:15)

In this video, Ryann Pedone shows us all her favorite bits for training and competing. She explains the use of each of them.


You have access to this clinic for one full year.


Ryann Pedone

«  I am a product of being raised on a dairy farm, worked hard for pretty much everything, still learning to this very minute, life loving, animal crazy, coffee drinking futurity horse trainer!

I love to help people understand their equine athletes, and I believe I truly do it more for the Horse ??.

Most would be surprised that I have a 4yr degree in Business (Finance) from University South Florida, and I love History!

I have a Never give up attitude…. and I am an all in all out in all aspects of life…. so my only hobby is working out ?️‍ »