Horse Konfidence was created by Katheleen Daigle.

 My goal is to share the experts’ knowledge. We share about health, training and health care products for horses and their riders.



Animal communicator over the past few years, Katheleen drove many miles from Québec, Canada to the United States in order to help many animal owners.

She decided to establish Horse Konfidence in order to meet with more people and to realize her main goal which is the well-being of animals. All of this being possible by surrounding herself with experts who share the same goal in order to pass on their knowledge.

Read my book
Listen my podcast

Listen or watch
Katheleen’s Interviews:

The barrel horse life podcast with Amy Davenport:

> Apple

> Spotify


> Read it below

Click on pictures below to read the post:

Katheleen is available for interviews or podcast:
